Winter Maintenance Seminar
A one day course featuring keynote speakers from multiple aspects of the marine boating industry.
This one day course will provide you with invaluable information about maintaining your classic boat during the winter months; covering aspects of marine engines, marine sealants, electrical, as well as canopies.
Moon Engines, Entertec Marine, Nalder Sails, Marine Sealants.
Date: 19th August 2017
Time: 9am to 3pm
A BBQ lunch will be provided
Price: A donation to support the re-opening of the school’s premises would be welcomed.
Classic Boat Ribbing
One day course covering all aspects of the ribbing process; timber selection and finishing, steaming and bending, application of rivets and roves.
This one day course will provide you with invaluable information necessary to rib a classic boat.
Date: 26th August 2017
Time: 9am to 3pm
Price $200
Stand Up Paddle Board Paddle
In this course you will make your own bespoke paddle for stand up paddle boarding. It will be run over 5 sessions of 3 hour duration, commencing mid August, 6pm to 9pm.
Price: TBA
Future Courses
Installing fittings and fixing leaks on boats
Build a stand up paddle board
Small repairs to boats
Caulking and Carvel Planking
Waka Ama Paddle
Build a kayak (options: plywood/strip plank)
Build your own oars for your dinghy or row boat
Build a dinghy or row boat
Note: Due to space restraints, larger projects will be run as a group build.